Old Park Lodge http://bit.ly/2x2PTkI held their 26th Annual Perch Jerk August 4th, 2018. The perch had been busy spawning in the weeks leading up to the tournament, consequently the fat ones were hard to find!! Masses of shallow fry resulted in an early morning bass feeding frenzy too. Furthermore the teams that focused on the pre spawners caught the larger ones!! They got the message before we did and it wasn’t until 9:30 that we found the larger red prespawn red ears out in 7 FOW.
Two of the teams were dialed in on where the larger prespawn red ears were hanging out!! Pat’s Perchin Pals (Cole Jurecka & Luke Beseda of Fayetteville) and One More Cast (Tommy & Matt Chovanec of the Brenham area) tied for the biggest redear at 14 ounces!! Congratulations to both teams!!!!
The 1st place bragging rights and the “big money” went to Pat’s Perchin Pals. They had a 50 fish limit of 34.6 pounds. Congratulations on an excellent stringer and tasty too!!!!
Second place went to One More Cast, also with a fifty fish limit at 32.4 pounds. Another excellent bag for the day!!
Team Lunkerville (Pete Dodge of Fayetteville and Maco and Gage Fowlkes of Houston) squeaked out a fifty fish limit at 26.0 pounds good for 3rd place.
As always, everyone had a great time cleaning fish, drinking beer and enjoying a fantastic fish fry after weigh in! A big thanks to Jimmy at Old Park Lodge for holding the event and all who participated!!
Mark your calendars and touch base with Old Park Lodge next year in early to mid July to confirm the date of the 27th APJ. Stop by Old Park Lodge have an ice cold beer and sign up your team!! It is a lot of fun but you had better be on your game to compete with these guys!!
Good Luck!!!
Pete Dodge