Pete Dodge's Guide Service

Lake Fayette Report:

maybe I should!! – I had just about given up for the evening – that is until I turned the boat around to head home!! At first I thought the sonar image was influenced by sideswipe due to the boat turn. So being a “good” little scientist I rescanned the area going in a straight line, which is the image attached below.


I was exploring under the strong conviction that the lake had a thermocline working at around 14′.  It differs from place to place due to discharge currents and water temps. I will admit it is not clear at all from this image.  However, the bite was limited to 12′ or so and deep open water scans showed a stratification at around 14′.  So I left a main lake 10′ hump after catching small under slots at will for the past hour or more.  After all they would still be there if I could not find a better bite.  At any event since the initial cold front last week I had been itching to see what was up in this sector of the lake!!

I almost didn’t go because the water depth is much deeper than 14′, leaving only the rim of the ledge to explore.  Upon arrival, I graphed several fish holding right at “The Red Zone” – basically slang for just above the thermocline.  So the red zone is now just above the thermocline where it makes contact with the bottom at or near 14′. This was a long shot, as I have seen many false positives or a “blossoming downward” of the amplitudes to the thermocline/bottom contact. But this anomaly had three distinct differences. First, it was a “blossoming upward” to the thermocline not downward. Second, it had an abrupt outboard termination. Third, and of upmost importance the downscan showed an active cluster of “fireflies”.  These fireflies are almost a sure sign of a school of bass.

I was now on the opposite side of the lake I had been fishing and catching 30 to 50 small slots from basically 3 PM till 7 PM for the past week. So I was hoping that the few fish I did see on the break would be better size. So out with “The Dodge Rig” and guess what? Two small slots, again. I blamed it on the early fall – where are the better fish stacked up at?? SO with that, I gave up and started the boat and made my turn for home and low and behold I drove over the mother load?!!!

I rescanned the area to be sure and after confirmation I launched Walley (for those who don’t know Walley is my MotorGuide trolling motor with GPS lock) and anchored up. I started with The Dodge Rig and the rod almost got ripped out of my hands!! Well that did it, down with The Dodge Rig and up with the Lake Fayette Tackle Co. Texas Craw 1/2 oz. football jig!! After all it is the perfect tool to rip some lips and rip-em it did!!

For the next hour it was one bass after another on the jig!! I caught an “hours worth” getting bit on almost every cast!  Almost all were mid range slot fish up to 3 pounds. It was an absolute blast setting the hook on them with the 30 pound braid and 20 pound fluorocarbon leader setup. I just love that old BPS Johnny Morris 6’6″ MH worm rod and as for that old green Curado……well enough said there!!!

As I rigged the boat with navigation lights for the run home, I looked over my shoulder to where I had caught the two small ones upon arriving and thought,

“You never know what’s behind you till you look, even if it is an accident”!!

Good Luck