The Lake 9-20-17
Dancing The Rocks
Matt and I enjoyed a great “Day On The Lake” following a late September cold front under lite north winds and bluebird skies!! He fished with me solo so I could work with him on a technique that I refer to as “Dancing the Rocks”.
It is a way to fish jigs in and around the riprap without getting hung up. Basically, you cast the jig out and let it fall till just above the rocks and work it back swimming it with a slight yo-yo approach. This keeps it out of the rocks, as you don’t let it fall into them. If you are lucky, the bass swim out of the rocks and attack the jig. If this doesn’t work then you have to “Dance” the jig on top, thru and over them! To do so, you let the jig fall until it just barely makes contact with the rocks and swim it up and let it fall again. You have to keep a tight line and really stay focused. If you do, you can fish them without getting hung up yet get the jig deep enough into the crevices to get bit.
When they do bite, you have to set the hook hard and fast as they will swim back into their little hiding holes and snag up. For this, I find that braided line with a fluorocarbon leader works best. Also a heavy action rod at least 6’6″ or better works good. On this day, the customer picked it up really quick and all I had to do is sit back and unhook jig fish for the next couple of hours!! We hit both the discharge and intake with success.
The Dodge Rig:
We left the rocks and hit the points fishing the Dodge Rig. It consist of fishing a Zoom Trick worm wacky style on a Carolina Rig. The Dodge Rig is used to attach a small o-ring to a Zoom Trick worm. The standard Senko tool is too big as are the o-rings that come with it. In addition, we use a 1/0 Gamakatsu octopus hook and leave the barb exposed. The point of the hook slips just below the o-ring. It is an extremely effective way to fish a wacky worm deep. Call me if you are interested in purchasing one!
At any event we had a blast and the fish are biting. If you would like to go, simply call me at 985-789-2277 to book your trip!!
Thanks and good luck,
Pete Dodge